Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Students arriving next week for a new Semester

This coming week new students will be coming to Davis College. The soccer players are coming back this week and the RAs are having their training. On Friday all new and transfer students not on the soccer teams will be coming to the campus to prepare for the next step in their walk with the Lord. Keep all the families of the new students in your prayers as they journey to Binghamton. Some the journey maybe longer than others. Keep the new students in prayer as they start new classes and meet new people. Keep the RAs in your prayers as they prepare the new and returning students that they would protected from the evil one. There is a battle out there, but we are on the winning side with Jesus Christ our Lord. Keep the college always in your prayers and all the players involved.

The 2008-2009 School year is about to commence!

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