Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Pray for Davis College Day--This Friday

This Friday (August 7, 2009) marks the 138th anniversary of the birth of John A. Davis, the founder of Davis College. This day is also the 2nd annual Pray for Davis College Day. I decided last summer that August 7th would be a great day for anyone with any connection to the college to take some time to pray for the needs of the college. It is our founder's birthday and it is a couple of weeks away from the start of a new school year. Wherever you are this Friday, August 7 take a few moments to lift up Davis College and everyone at the college and involved with the college.

Some things to pray for:

Pray for the Administration

President of the college- Dr. Dino Pedrone, as he travels between New York and Florida. Also for wisdom as he leads

Chief Operating Officer- Rick Cramer, as he manages many of the day to day operations at the school and teaching classes.

Chief Academic Officer- Gilbert Parker, as he manages academic schedules an teaches.

Chief Financial Officer- Shelly Wilcox, as she manages the fiances of the college.

Pray for the Faculty

Pray that each of the professors would have wisdom in their classes. Pray that in each of the classes they teach the students would learn from what they teach. Not just to pass the classes, but that they would become more like Jesus Christ.

Pray for the Staff

In each of the departments pray that they would use godly judgment for each thing they do. Whether it is in finances, computers, admissions, food services. Let each thing be for the glory of God.

Pray for the Returning Students

Pray that they will be ready for the new classes they embark on this school year. For those who will be graduating this year, pray that they will make godly choices for their future. Pray that in each class they take that they can give their best to it to bring honor to God and apply it to their lives to become more like Jesus.

Pray for New or Transfer Students

Pray as many are coming from around the country and around the world that they would have peace. Pray for the ones that are from nearby that they would be able to still continue to grow. Pray that the LORD will work in each of their lives and that even if it is for one year, two, three, four, or more years that each moment at the college would help them grow in their faith.


These are just somethings I am praying for as the college enters the new school year. I am sure there are more, but lift up each person on the campus. If you know the name of faculty, staff, or student, lift them up. There are still projects that are being finished before the students arrive. Pray for labors from churches and community to help with the tasks.

Pray for the College anytime the LORD lays the campus on your heart, whether it is August 7 or December 7. Keep it before the throne of God. The school wants to do the will of God, keep it and all its members in your prayers to do what God want us to do.

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